Reuvensdagen 2024 – 14 & 15 November 2024

Reuvensdagen 2024

Datum: 14 & 15 november 2024

Locatie: Fokker Terminal, Binckhorstlaan 249, 2516 BB Den Haag

Credits:  1 ECT

On 14 and 15 November 2024 the Reuvensdagen, the national archaeological congress of the Netherlands, are held in The Hague.

Program: The program of the congress is in Dutch and can be found here.

Registration: Please register by following this link.

Refund: Note that ARCHON offers to compensate the registration costs for ARCHON members that want to attend the congress (50%) and for members that will present during the congress (100%).

Credits: ARCHON members can receive 1 ECT for attending the conference and or 1) present during the conference, or 2) handing in a reflection report afterwards.