CRASIS Annual Meeting & Master Class – 13 & 14 February 2025

CRASIS Annual Meeting & Master Class

Date:  13 (Masterclass) & 14 (Annual Meeting) February 2025
Venue: University of Groningen
Credits: 1 – 3 ECTS

The CRASIS Annual Meeting and Masterclass is a two-day event, designed to promote discussion and the exchange of ideas about the ancient world across traditional disciplinary boundaries among graduate students, postdocs, and established scholars. This year, our theme will be

*Approaching the Ancient World from Below*

The symposium focuses on the worlds, realities, and lived experience of the millions of non-elite individuals who populated the wider Mediterranean world in antiquity. We aim to address particular challenges in reconstructing their histories, including issues surrounding the (un)representativeness of sources such as literary texts, epigraphy, material culture, and archaeology, as well as the marginalization or silencing of these groups along various axes like ethnicity, gender, and class. Speakers will reflect on how new approaches can tackle these challenges, with a focus on recent methodological innovations and interdisciplinary dialogue.

The keynote, entitled ‘Rebuilding Ancient Cultural History: A Bottom-Up Approach’, will be delivered by Professor Peter Kruschwitz (Vienna).

For the full programme, further information, and to register see:

Registration is possible until 7 February.

Any queries can be addressed to the CRASIS coordinator Maya Xinyu Dong at

Registration: Closed!


3 EC for presenting your paper during the Masterclass (submit your presentation to and attending the Annual Meeting.

1 EC for attending the Annual Meeting and handing in a report (to