Introduction Course Photography for Archaeologists – 5 & 6 February 2024

Introduction Course Photography for Archaeologists

Date: 5-6 February 2025

Location: University of Amsterdam, room BG1 3.09, Turfdraagsterpad 9, 1012 XT Amsterdam

Credits: 1 ECT

Teacher: Anneke Dekker,  photographer and filmmaker. Graduated in archaeology in 1986 and worked as a professional photographer at the Allard Pierson museum and the Archaeological Institute of the University of Amsterdam from 2000-2023.

Objective of the course

In this introductory course, you will familiarize yourself with the basic principles of photography and learn the possibilities of your camera. You will learn to take good photos of archaeological objects using simple means or with studio lamps and will be provided with some tips for photography ‘in the field’.

The course consists of two half-day sessions

Session 1 (all participants): Basic principles of Photography

Session 1 is the theoretical part of the course, in which we will discuss the basic principles of photography and light. You will learn how to use your camera’s manual settings. We will address shutter speed, diaphragm, iso-sensitivity, depth of field and the use of different types of lenses, such as wide-angle and telephoto lenses, as well as their different properties. In addition, this session will give you a few tips for photographing at an archaeological site.

Session 2: Workshop Photographing Archaeological Objects

Session 2 is the practical part of the course, where you will use the knowledge acquired in the previous session to practice photographing different archaeological objects in pairs, doing various assignments. You will use your own camera or a professional camera if you don’t own one, and using both natural light and a studio lamp.


Day 1: Wednesday 5 February

10.00-13.00 Group 1,2 and 3         Basic principles of photography

14.00-16.30 Group 1                        Workshop photographing archaeological objects

Day 2: Thursday 5 February

10.00-12.30 Group 2                       Workshop photographing archaeological objects

13.30-16.00 Group 3                        Workshop photographing archaeological objects

Practical information

Max. number of participants: 12 (3 groups of 4)

The course is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a practical part. Not everyone can attend the practical on the same day. Students from the RUG get priority to attend the practical on the same day. Before the start of the course, you will receive a reader by e-mail. Take a look at it beforehand.

To bring: your own camera (don’t forget full batteries, charger and memory card). If you don’t own a camera, borrow one or contact Anneke Dekker. You can also bring ‘your own’ archaeological objects with which you would like to practice.

For questions regarding the content of this course, please contact

For any other question, please contact

ECTs: Archon members get 1 EC for participation, reading the binder before the workshop is mandatory. Participants will receive the binder in due time.

Registration: Please send an e-mail to The sign up deadline is the 19th of January. There are only 12 spots available and they fill up quickly!

PLEASE NOTE: As we can only accept a very limited number of participants, we will be working with a waiting list. Priority is given to ARCHON members. If you have signed up and cannot make it, please let us know as soon as possible so your place can be given to someone else.