Mortuary Archaeology Workshop: Digital Innovations and New Developments – 30 January 2024
Mortuary Archaeology Workshop: Digital Innovations and New Developments – 30 January 2024
Date: 30 January 2024
Location: Marie Lokezaal (1313.0034), Harmony Building, University of Groningen
Credits: 1 ECT
This one-day workshop aims to focus on innovations and new developments in mortuary archaeology. The first session of the day will feature our invited keynote speakers who will focus on digital innovations being applied within the field of mortuary archaeology. The remainder of the workshop will invite speakers, particularly Archon members (REMA, PhD, post-docs, staff), to present their recent, current and ongoing research. This can involve a theoretical or material and method driven approach to connect researchers working on a range of temporally and geographically disparate case studies. This will put the focus on new approaches to the interpretation of mortuary data. In line with Archon’s diversity and inclusivity policy, we encourage papers that demonstrate how these can be applied as themes to move mortuary archaeology forward as a discipline. We also welcome junior researchers and works-in-progress that wish to tap into the mortuary hive mind for advice and guidance. We hope this meeting can be an opportunity to bring together all those working in Mortuary Studies across the Netherlands, and beyond, for open and inclusive discussions, where we can present our current research and new approaches, seek solutions to the problems we face, share experiences, and plan future meetings.
10.00 – 10.30: Registration + coffee
10.30 – 10.45: Welcome + introduction
Session 1
10.45 – 11.25:
Keynote speaker 1 – Hayley Mickleburgh
‘Virtual Mortuary Archaeology: 3D Visualisation and Virtual Reconstruction as tools to understand Death and Burial in the past’
11.25 – 11.55:
Christina Karasimou, Sarah A. Schrader, and Dennis J. G. Braekmans
‘The Puzzle of Commingling: Portable X-ray fluorescence analysis of post-medieval human skeletal remains from Arnhem and Middenbeemster’
11.55 – 12.25:
Sofia Orfanidou, Sarah A. Schrader, and Dennis J. G. Braekmans
‘What remains: Preservation Patterns and Diagenetic Alterations in Non-Adult Skeletal Remains from Three Post-Medieval Burial Environments in the Netherlands’
12.25 – 13.25: Lunch
Session 2
13.25 – 14.05:
Keynote speaker 2 – Scott Haddow
‘Dead reckoning: The use of 3D photogrammetry to record human burials and interpret funerary practices’
14.05 – 14.35:
Géraldine Carcel
‘Virtual taphonomy: example of great cooperation between archaeothanatology, forensic anthropology and medicine’
14.35 – 15.05:
Mirko De Tomassi
‘Extending fieldwork beyond the field: 3D digital environments as post-excavation analytical’ tools
15.05 – 15.35: Coffee break
Session 3
15.35 – 16.05:
Peter Attema, Barbara Belelli Marchesini, Sanne Hoekstra, Nynke Hoen, Polina Kolmogorova, Kara Schotanus, Renée de Vries –
‘Towards a Publication forum for the Crustumerium Burial Grounds’
16.05 – 16.35:
Anna van der Weij –
‘The South and the North? Burial practices in the Lower German limes area’
16.35 – 17.05: Concluding remarks
Credits: ARCHON members can receive 1 ECT for attending the workshop and preparing a short presentation on their research OR write a report following the workshop (highlighting how the workshop addressed the key developments and problems being faced by mortuary archaeology)
Registration: Closed!